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Terra Madre Day, December 10

Terra Madre Day

December 10, 2018 – Terra Madre Day

Raise your fork to take part in the IXth Terra Madre Day

Terra Madre Day is a major Slow Food event, celebrating local food on a global scale. Every December, on the 10th thousands of people around the world organize parties and gatherings to celebrate good, clean and fair food: good quality and flavorsome; clean for our bodies, for animals and for the planet; fair for producers and consumers alike. Terra Madre Day brings together all who share the vision of a food system that supports local economies, that respects the environment, biodiversity, taste, and tradition. A better alternative is possible!

To protect our environment and to shine a light on the link between food and climate change, this year, Terra Madre Day is focused on Food for Change, Slow Food’s international fundraising campaign to highlight the role of food as a cause, victim, and potential solution to climate change.

Find out how you can get involved with the Terra Madre Day event nearest to you or organize your own! Set up a meeting or a debate, a picnic or a dinner, film screening, an eat-in, farm visits… anything you like!

Taking part is easy:

  • SAVE THE DATE! Sign up to our Facebook event

  • Find an event near you or set up your own!

  • Download the toolkit of materials for your event

  • On the 10th and the days that follow, share photos and communicate your experience on social media with the hashtags #FoodforChange #SlowFood #TMD2018

  • Donate to the campaign! Even a small contribution will help us redefine the future of our planet

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