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Foodies and Film Buffs

A film festival for everyone interested in learning about people, places and history behind their food is planned for Saturday, January 27, 2018 in Foundation Hall at the Old State Capitol State Historic Site (Level 2) in Springfield from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. Slow Food Springfield, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, and the Old State Capitol Foundation are partnering to present the 10th Annual Slow Food Springfield Film Festival. “These films tell the stories behind our food and can increase awareness and interest in our food system," says Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant, Slow Food Springfield board member and chair for the festival. This year’s festival will feature a screening of the film America's First Foodie: The Incredible Life of James Beard at 7:00 p.m. This feature length documentary is about the man who the New York Times dubbed the “Dean of American Cookery.” Beard spoke of the importance of localism and sustainability long before those terms had entered the vernacular. A cookbook author, journalist, television celebrity and teacher, James Beard helped to pioneer and expand the food media industry into the billion-dollar business it is today. Through a recorded and printed oral history crafted by Beard himself, archival footage and interviews, the film weaves the history of American cooking and gastronomy with the story of its Founding Father and explores how the food world has evolved since his death. The festival will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a screening of films from the Real Food Films library. Real Food Films is the first-ever international competition to celebrate short films on sustainable food and farming. They have received over 440 submissions (2014-2016) from around the world, from documentaries to advocacy, spoken word to animated. “Starting at 6:00 p.m., a light dinner, provided Denise Perry Chef/Owner, Copper Pot Cooking Studio and coffee, by Custom Cup Coffee, will be available for purchase” says Karen Hine, chapter leader for Slow Food Springfield. Admission is $7.00 per person ($5.00 for Slow Food Springfield members). Students with a student ID are free. The Old State Capitol State Historic Site may be accessed from the parking garage below the Old State Capitol. Entrance to the garage is on 6th Street (heading north). Parking is $1.50/hour. The garage will be open until 9:00pm. The garage can also be accessed from the Adams Street Plaza through the small brick building with the green metal roof. Using the elevator or stairs, go down one level (UL Parking). More information is available at or contact Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant, 217-341-0398,

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