Lincoln Land Community College to Host Farm to School Summit June 7th, 9am-3pm.
Agenda: 2016 Illinois Farm to School Summit
Join us at the Free Illinois Farm to School Summit! Held June 7th, 2016 at Lincoln Land Community College. Advance registration is required. REGISTER HERE
Morning: Hands-On Workshops
There are three tracks happening in the morning: Cafeteria, Classroom and Farmer. Please choose one track in your registration and attend those workshops only.
Option 1: Cafeteria: Let’s Do Lunch…Literally!
A three-hour hands-on training seminar in the kitchen.
9am – 11:50am
Workshop 1: A Tale of Two Salad Bars.
A salad bar is just a salad bar, until it’s locally sourced year-round.
Trainer – Diane Chapeta, Former Food Service Director from Chilton, Wisconsin – Current Farm to School Coordinator in Illinois
Workshop 1 Continued: Cooking Local from Scratch on a School Budget!
Create a full meal that fits nutritional and budget standards for schools.. quickly and easily!
Trainer – Chef Greg Christian, Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners
Option 2: Educator: Farm to School in the Classroom
ISBE Credit Hours Available!
Workshop 1: Grow Your Grub! Curriculum
Take home a new curriculum for your classroom and school garden.
Educators – Andy Heck & Jen Dillman, genHkids
Workshop 2: Classroom Tastings and Best Ideas for School Gardens.
Want to bring food education into the classroom? Learn from the experts at U of I Extension.
10am – 10:50am
Educator – TBD, University of Illinois Extension
Workshop 3: Illinois Harvest of the Month
Learn about a new program starting in Fall of 2016: Illinois Harvest of the Month. Get classroom activities and learn more about local foods in the cafeteria.
11am – 11:50am
Educator – Lydia Mills, Seven Generations Ahead
Option 3: Farmer: Growing For Institutions
Workshop 1: How to Sell Wholesale on a Limited Budget.
Educator – Cynthia Haskins, Manager of Business Development and Compliance, Illinois Farm Bureau
Workshop 2: GroupGAP and Food Safety for Schools
Feel trapped by GAP? Learn about innovative ways to bring your product to market, while also learning more food safety in the fields and what food safety standards and assurances schools need.
11am – 11:50am
Educator – Laurie George, University of Illinois Extension Small Farms/Local Foods Educator
12:00 pm Lunch
We’ve revised an all-time favorite school lunch and will serve a locally sourced meal prepared by school employees and managers. From processed to local- this will blow your mind, without blowing your budget. (We promise!) Vegetarian options are available. Be sure to mark your preference when you register.
I. Opening Talk: A Road-map to Farm to School in Illinois
II. Panel Discussion: Let’s Make Procurement Easy – 45 minutes
Speakers: Chef Greg Christian, Diane Chapeta SGA, Lindsay Blough ISBE, FarmLogix
III. Lightning Talks: Knowledge at the speed of light!
Krops 4 Kids
School District Champions; laying the groundwork for your success!
To give a lightning talk, please get in touch with Diane at SGA.
IV. Group Workshop
Choose a table and a topic:
Procurement, Education, Policy, Outreach.
Help us create strategies to grow IL Farm to School!
V. Giveaways! From spoons to seeds to mandolins…we’ve got something you’ll need.