Where to find it?
All-American Associates, Inc.
PO Box 72
1856 N CR 3600E
Mason City, Illinois 62664
(800) 482-3566
International Greenhouse Company
70 Eastgate Dr.
Danville, IL
(217) 443-0600
Carlin Sales Corporation
3454 Mound Rd
Joliet, IL
(815) 744-7333
Four Season Tools
9615 Grandview Rd
Kansas City, MO 64137
(816) 444-7330
A.M. Leonard
PO Box 816
Piqua, OH 45356
Lostcreek Greenhouse Systems
245 C.R. 2651
Mineola, Texas 75773
BFG Supply Co.
14500 Kinsman Rd.
P.O. Box 479
Burton, OH 44021
Season Extension
By installing a cover over your vegetables, fruits or flowers, you are able to reap the benefits of growing into the cooler months of the year. Greenhouses, high tunnels and low tunnels will provide the protection your plants need when the temperatures are less than ideal. These structures come in a variety of sizes and styles to suit your needs. Some are meant to be permanent, while others are designed to move with ease. Whatever the setup, many people are taking advantage of a yearly schedule of growing instead of being confined to just a few months.
Learn More and Get Ideas!
LLCC and U of I Extension Winter High Tunnel Project: Part 1
LLCC and U of I Extension Winter High Tunnel Project: Part2
LLCC and U of I Extension WInter High Tunnel Project: Part3
LLCC and U of I Extension Winter High Tunnel Project: Part 4
LLCC and U of I Extension Winter High Tunnel Project: Part 5
Permanent Raised Bed Gardening: Construction Plans for a Custom Designed Low (Mini) Tunnel